Actualizada, Junio 30 de 2010

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    GM Aventureros
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Especialidades Club Aventureros

Lenguaje de Señas

  1. Aprender el alfabeto manial usado por los sordos, y las reglas al usralo.
  2. Aprenda como enviar las palabras recibidas usando el alfabeto manual.
  3. Aprenda al menos 50 palabras.
  4. Aprenda y presente al menos una simple cancion cristiana ("Jesus Love", "Cristo, Cristo")
  5. Donde sea posible, y haya un aventurero sordo, comuniquese con el en el club.
  6. Diga en señales un simple versiculo biblico.


  1. As available (from your local Association of the Deaf), use the two-sided manual alphabet cards. That way the children can see what the signs look like from both the sender’s and receiver’s angle.
  2. First they can have fun learning to spell their names. Print words on a sheet of paper, and then have the children take turns spelling and receiving the words. Have children get in groups of two and send and receive words of their choice.
  3. Words young people really like to learn are the animals and foods. The book Joy of Signing is a good book to learn these signs, as well as the other signs. It gives both a word and a picture description of each sign. It also tells the sign’s origin (example: Jesus—origin: indicating the nail prints).
  4. Jesus me ama y esta en mi corazón son dos ejemplos. Remember to explain the origins when needed.
  5. Have someone from your deaf community come in and share a bit of their life with the children, and teach them a few words. This will really bring this award to life.
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Que Dios te bendiga y que este material te ayude a ser un buen siervo de Dios y amigo de todos