Lenguaje de Señas
- Aprender el alfabeto manial usado por los sordos, y las reglas al usralo.
- Aprenda como enviar las palabras recibidas usando el alfabeto manual.
- Aprenda al menos 50 palabras.
- Aprenda y presente al menos una simple cancion cristiana ("Jesus Love", "Cristo, Cristo")
- Donde sea posible, y haya un aventurero sordo, comuniquese con el en el club.
- Diga en señales un simple versiculo biblico.
- As available (from your local
Association of the Deaf), use the
two-sided manual alphabet cards.
That way the children can see what
the signs look like from both the
sender’s and receiver’s angle.
- First they can have fun learning to
spell their names. Print words on a
sheet of paper, and then have the
children take turns spelling and
receiving the words. Have children
get in groups of two and send and
receive words of their choice.
- Words young people really like to
learn are the animals and foods.
The book Joy of Signing is a good
book to learn these signs, as well
as the other signs. It gives both a
word and a picture description of
each sign. It also tells the sign’s
origin (example: Jesus—origin:
indicating the nail prints).
- Jesus me ama y esta en mi corazón son dos ejemplos. Remember to
explain the origins when needed.
- Have someone from your deaf
community come in and share a bit
of their life with the children, and
teach them a few words. This will
really bring this award to life.
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